03. Vue 2 - 스토리 북 (Storybook)
컴포넌트를 관리하는 데 도움을 준다
# 공식 홈페이지
# Vue Storybook 깃 허브
# 설치
vue add storybook
[ JS 방식 ]
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions'
import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links'
import MyButton from '../components/MyButton.vue'
export default {
component: MyButton,
title: 'Button'
export const withText = () => ({
components: { MyButton },
template: '<my-button @click="action">Hello Button</my-button>',
methods: { action: action('clicked') }
export const withJSX = () => ({
render() {
return <MyButton onClick={linkTo('Button', 'With Some Emoji')}>With JSX</MyButton>;
export const withSomeEmoji = () => ({
components: { MyButton },
template: '<my-button>😀 😎 👍 💯</my-button>'
[ MDX 방식 ]
import { Meta, Props, Story, Preview } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
import { action } from "@storybook/addon-actions";
import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links'
import MyButton from '../components/MyButton.vue';
<Meta title="MDX|Button" component={MyButton} />
# Button
<Props of={MyButton} />
This is a simple button with some text in it.
<Story name="With Text">
components: { MyButton },
template: '<my-button @click="action">Hello Button</my-button>',
methods: { action: action("clicked") }
You can perform some action when the button is clicked.
<RMyButton onClick={linkTo('Button', 'With Some Emoji')}>With JSX</RMyButton>
You can even have Emoji in the button.
<Story name="With Some Emoji">
components: { MyButton },
template: '<my-button>😀 😎 👍 💯</my-button>'
# 스토리북 애드온
# 스토리 북 튜토리얼 (공식홈)
# 스토리 북 예제 (공식홈)
# 참고 사이트
# 인텔리제이 플러그인
vue, vuex, stroy.js 를 빠르게 생성할 수 있다
vue 를 사용안할 때는 플러그인을 꺼두시면 됩니다
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04. Vue 2 - Axios Cross Origin 설정 (0) | 2020.09.21 |
이 글 공유하기
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07. Vue 2 - logger 플러그인
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06. Vue 2 - TerserPlugin 을 이용한 웹 팩 설정
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